
Caught a bad flu, sniffling in front of the tube. It's not a pretty sight, I tell you.

My pregger sister has started nesting, and then destroyed the nest because, wth, she's just the average poster girl for mass destruction. Whenever she thinks she's on to a good thing, I can't help but think that the beauty of it being new will last only as long as it's new and exciting. After the magic of it has faded, she'll destroy whatever efforts she's put into it. There is no rhyme or pattern, just the same downward spiralling path she takes in her every endeavor. I knew, when she started nesting at week 20 of her pregnancy, that the new undertaking will end before it will even begin. Now that I'm sitting on the war-torn bedroom set aside for the baby, I hated my guts for not fighting the gut feeling. I bet when she's on her last few weeks, which is in March, she'll rely on me and my mom helping her to fix everything so everything will be warm and cozy when the baby arrives. I'm evil, I know, and I have absolutely no sympathy for a pregnant woman. But see, today, it's nesting, and then a few weeks after this, it's the child-rearing, and after the infant stages, lord knows what comes next. I think my mom and I are quickly becoming married into the little mess that she is building and calling a family.

These anti-sister thoughts are floating around my brain whether or not I want them to.

She's already vacuumed this room, but somehow, it still manages to mix dust with the air I breathe. I think I'm getting worse.


Toks said…
Yeah, i sooo remember our last person hehe...tsk tsk, hmmm. hirap nga...

so ano see you next week ah!
Anonymous said…
Pasalubong ko!
Anonymous said…
Hi CM!
What's up with you and your sister?When I dislike someone I think that way also.I cant advise anything coz Im just like you when irritated..I guess even worse.

Btw,It was such a relief after reading your comment.It's so much appreciated!Thank you!